Ask any expert on steroids and they will tell you that a pct cycle is a necessity. In fact, these experts will tell you that a pct cycle or a post cycle therapy is something that you cannot take out of your steroid experience. Whether you are first steroid cycle or already using the advanced steroid cycles, you are strongly advised to include the pct cycle.

What is PCTCycle?

PCT is short for post cycle therapy. A post cycle therapy is necessary for anyone and everyone who finishes a steroidcycle, no matter what level. Here are some facts about the pct cycle:

• Some people call the pct cycle a cooling-off period. A steroid cycle can be very intense especially the advanced steroid cycles. A cooling-off period or a time to heal is needed to help the body recover from the effects of the steroids. The pct cycle is done after every steroid cycle and is considered as important as the steroid cycle itself.

• The main objective of the pct cycle is to normalize the state of the body after a steroid cycle. During a steroid cycle, the body takes on a lot of changes. Increasing your strength and size during a steroid cycle disrupts the natural and normal functions of the body and the pct cycle is necessary to bring the body back to its normal state. A pct cycle usually takes 30-45 days after a steroids cycle is completed.

• There are several drugs available for the pct cycle. You can explore SERMS such as Clomid and Nolvadex. Using SERMS can help minimize the side effects and assists in putting back your hormone production to normal. You can also look into SARMs to help with muscle growth and prevent loss of muscle gain. Both SERMS and SARMs have side effects. Therefore, make sure you conduct appropriate research before deciding on which one to use for your pct cycle.

If You Do Away with the PCT Cycle

Our body needs to rest after it takes some beating. Even after regular exercise, we are advised to take regular breaks to allow our bodies, our muscles and out cells and tissues to heal and recover. When we do away with the recovery period after exercise, we start experiencing pain and sore muscles.

When we do away with the pct cycle, the effect is far more adverse. Without the pct cycle, you do not only lose the opportunity to heal and recover. You will also most likely lose the gains that you have acquired during the steroid cycle. The worst part is that, without the pct cycle, you will really experience the harmful side effects of the steroids.
