Liposuction surgery procedure is one of the trusted procedures when it comes to removing excess fats and gaining back that body curves. Aside from aesthetic purposes, having liposuction has health benefits too. It gives your body a lighter weight and helps yourself be able to perform daily activities easily. Moreover, it also has psychological and emotional effects as the result makes feel good about himself/herself, bringing up positivity and well being.

The traditional liposuction involves surgery on the various parts of the body where excess fats are usually stored. It could be in the legs, arms, neck, back, and abdomen. Normally, there will be assessment by a medical practitioner specializing cosmetics and surgery. There will be big needles or tubes to be injected to your body that sips on the fats.

Painless liposuction: How Strawberry Lipolaser Machine works?

Today, people who are into cosmetics are becoming fond of using strawberry liposuction machine. Yes, it sounds incredible and you’ll be amazed with how it helps you reduce fats. It’s actually a painless liposuction contrary to the traditional procedure.

Here’s what: After 10 or 20 minute with Strawberry Lipolaser Machine, patients usually see instant result. As they describe the procedure, the feeling is warm and absolutely no pain and of course bruises. The number of sessions may vary and that is according to the type of body, weight, and the target of fat loss.

During the procedure, paddles are being placed against the skin. A cold laser beam will be emitted through the skin and eventually into the fatty layer. It then targets the fatty tissue beneath the skin. It induces the creation of pores and the intracellular content is being released. Good thing? The surrounding tissues, blood vessels, nerves and the skin is not affected in the procedure.


Rather than leaving the skin loose, the machine helps the skin become tighter which shows good looks after procedure than that of bruises and scar from traditional liposuction procedure.

Results are visible every after session.

Healthier and smoother skin after session.

Can work with your stretch marks.

Not painful at all. No need to allot more time for recovery.

The strawberry liposuction machine is FDA approved. It is absolutely safe to use even for those with health conditions. No need for anaesthesia in order to proceed to the procedure.

When combined with vibration, it improves muscle strength.

The 10 minute vibrated session is equivalent to 60 minutes normal exercise.

It improves muscle strength.

Improves blood circulation.

Now, if you think you are convinced with how strawberry lipolaser machine, you can contact dealers of the machine near you and get fully informed with the terms of payment. I advise you to visit which offers you the best strawberry lipolaser machine at affordable price.
