Using Copy/Paste Style

Use our copy/paste style buttons to duplicate the style of textboxes, images, product cards, buttons and text. 


Apply the same size to all of the images in your grid using our copy/paste style buttons. Select the image whose size you'd like to replicate, click on 'Copy style', select another image and then click on 'Paste style'.


Copy the size, color and alignment of textboxes using the same copy and paste style buttons.

Click the textbox whose style you'd like to copy, select the 'Copy style' icon, click on a new textbox, and then select 'Paste style'.

Product Cards and Buttons

Copy the properties, attributes and hover of a product card or button to others in the story. 

Click the product card or button whose style you'd like to copy, select the 'Copy style' icon, click on a new product card or button, and then select 'Paste style'.


Copy and pasting the style of text is a little trickier. Two important things to note:

  • You cannot copy the style of multiple text styles. Ex: if you have a textbox with H1 and H2 text, you cannot copy and paste the style of both H1 and H2 at the same time. 
  • Copy/Paste style will not copy any capital letters.
  • You must select the text you wish to copy or paste style.

Otherwise, the workflow is the same:

Breakpoint Inheritance for Copy and Paste Style

As a best practice and to be more efficient, format an element on all breakpoints, and when you copy/paste style, it follows our breakpoint logic and copy/pastes the formatted style on all breakpoints "below".

To elaborate, once you have formatted an elements on each breakpoint and then if you copy/paste style the main desktop breakpoint, then all other breakpoints will also be copy/pasted. But if you copy/paste let's say on the tablet breakpoint, only small and bigger tablet and all mobile breakpoints will be copy/pasted. If you copy/paste on the smallest mobile, only all mobile breakpoints will get copy/pasted styles, tablet, and desktop won't be affected.
