Key Topics

Add a background color 

Add a background image 

Add a background video 

Changing the section background 

Changing the textbox background 

Adding backgrounds

With Maker, you can add a background color, image or video to your story or specific section, as well as change the background color of textboxes using the contextual panel on the right.

To upload an image, video or color to the background of your story or grid, simply click inside the editor and select the background option on the right side panel. For story background, you will find the option under document settings and for section background, use the contextual panel on the right. 

In the dropdown menu, select color, image or video.

Add a background color 

Enter the color code, use the spectrum to manually select a color code. You can also adjust the transparency of the color selected.

Add a background image

Select 'Image' from the dropdown menu and upload an image for the background of your story or section. 

When adding an image as a story background, the aspect ratio of the image used will be proportionally scaled to fit the entire story. Maker provides you with the option to repeat the image, as a patten, in the story background. Once you add an image to the story background, select the dropdown "size" and you will see the various options on how the image can be repeated. You can the choose the option that best fits your design. 

Add a background video

Select 'Video' from the dropdown menu and enter the video link for the background of your story.

You can upload an mp4, youtube or Vimeo link as a background video. The advantage of using background videos (instead of uploading a video directly into the editor), is that it will scale proportionally inside a fixed area. So if you want your video to be a fixed size, using background videos is the way to go.

Note: To ensure that your background video will autoplay on mobile, be sure to upload either an .mp4 or vimeo link.

Changing the section background

Follow the same workflow to change the background of your sections. Simply select a section and go the the background dropdown menu on the contextual panel.

Changing the textbox background

Follow the same workflow to change the background of your textbox. Select the textbox and go the the background dropdown menu on the contextual panel. Here, you'll have the option to add a background image or background color.
